Happy Holiday from all of us at NPL!
To celebrate with our families, we will be closed:
Tue/Wed, Dec 24/25, &
Tue/Wed, Dec 31/Jan 1.
Please fill out the Town of Naples Comprehensive Plan Community Survey.
Share your feelings about Naples' future!
Due Jan 31, thank you!
Please note our new year-round hours:
TU & WE 9 - 5 * TH 9 - 6 * SA 9 - 1
When MSAD 61 closes for weather, NPL also closes.
In the event of slippery weather, closures or delays are posted here, our Facebook page, and NEWS 6, 8 & 13!
Be safe & warm, friends!
The Chickadee Library Consortium
As of October 2023, we were pleased to join our neighbors
Raymond, Casco, Harrison & Bridgton
in a shared catalog with reciprocal borrowing.
Your new catalog to search all 5 - or individual - libraries, place holds or renew items is now LIVE! Please contact us for an updated Patron Number & Password.
If you have more than ONE library card in the CLC, we are asking you to merge and keep just ONE. Please think about this, and let us know your choice.
To encourage everyone in the pursuit of reading enjoyment, social and community exchange, and lifelong learning.
To provide access to the facts, knowledge and ideas by offering books, media,
periodicals, internet access and special programs.
To support every individual's freedom to read, learn, and experience the joy of discovery.
WI-FI is available on the grounds, as well as charging ports (AC & USB) on the porch.
Find us on Facebook.
... and Instagram.