Naples Public Library ~ 940 Roosevelt Trail ~ P.O. Box 1717 ~ Naples, ME 04055 ~ (207) 693-6841 ~ FAX (207) 693-7098
Under the authority granted to her during a State of Civil Emergency, Governor Janet Mills has mandated that public facing businesses remain closed March 25-April 8. This community situation will be monitored and reassessed by all involved parties. Please check back often for updates and information, new content on this webpage is in the works! As always, you are welcome to email us, or leave a message/listen to ours at 207-693-6841.
If you have items checked out, Due Dates are now 4/18/2020. Late Fees have been waived for the period 3/14 - 4/18, *but patrons are still financially responsible for damages or lost items. Although our facility is closed, WI-FI is alive on the grounds, and we have charging ports (AC & USB) on the porch, please be mindful of space on the porch and maintain social distancing. Stay well, friends, we'll miss you!
Watch our Facebook & Instagram for ways to share and be involved.
York & Cumberland County residents are welcome to request a free, temporary e-card for Portland Public Library's online resources: PPL's larger collection of the CloudLibrary and Tumblebooks for children.
Simply email [email protected].
The Maine CDC is a valuable resource in these confusing times. Visit them at:
If you have items checked out, Due Dates are now 4/18/2020. Late Fees have been waived for the period 3/14 - 4/18, *but patrons are still financially responsible for damages or lost items. Although our facility is closed, WI-FI is alive on the grounds, and we have charging ports (AC & USB) on the porch, please be mindful of space on the porch and maintain social distancing. Stay well, friends, we'll miss you!
Watch our Facebook & Instagram for ways to share and be involved.
York & Cumberland County residents are welcome to request a free, temporary e-card for Portland Public Library's online resources: PPL's larger collection of the CloudLibrary and Tumblebooks for children.
Simply email [email protected].
The Maine CDC is a valuable resource in these confusing times. Visit them at:

All NPL patrons are invited to use CloudLibrary, digital books available to
all Maine State Library Card Holders.
Simply download the app from your App Store, or use this link
Follow the prompts by entering your
1) Country, 2) State, 3) Library Name & 4) Library Card Number.
Membership made possible by the Maine State Library, the Maine InfoNet
and Naples Public Library.
all Maine State Library Card Holders.
Simply download the app from your App Store, or use this link
Follow the prompts by entering your
1) Country, 2) State, 3) Library Name & 4) Library Card Number.
Membership made possible by the Maine State Library, the Maine InfoNet
and Naples Public Library.
TumbleBooks has graciously shared a temporary account with us during this time of widespread library closures. Enjoy these links now through August, and please give us feedback! If this is valuable to our community, we want to support Tumblebooks. - K-6 children's ebook database
Direct Link:
Username: tumble735
Password: books - K-6 math ebook database
Direct Link:
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6 - gr 7-12 ebook database
Direct Link:
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6 - all ages audio book database
Direct Link:
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6 - a huge collection of steamy Romance novels for the older crowd!
Direct Link:
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6 - K-6 children's ebook database
Direct Link:
Username: tumble735
Password: books - K-6 math ebook database
Direct Link:
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6 - gr 7-12 ebook database
Direct Link:
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6 - all ages audio book database
Direct Link:
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6 - a huge collection of steamy Romance novels for the older crowd!
Direct Link:
Username: tumble2020
Password: A3b5c6
Thank you for supporting our 2019/20 Annual Appeal.
Each donation - great or small - contributes to and supports our mission and community.
The Maine State Library has graciously produced and provided the Library Use Calculator (below) for you to explore the value of library services. Did you know that a library can turn a $1 donation into nearly $5 in community services and Return on Investment?
Park & Museum Passes are Available. Sign them out for an ADVENTURE!
FREE 17 passenger vehicle admission. Generously gifted & renewed by Jeanie Demaree & Roy St. Clair, in memory of Kyle St. Clair.
50% discount on admission for up to 4 people. Generously gifted & renewed by Joy & Bob Graham.
$3.50 admission fee each, for up to
7 people. Opens April 15, 2020! |
We are proud to offer a variety of educational & social events tailored to meet the needs of our patrons and visitors.
- WI-FI available 24 hours across the NPL property.
- Public access computers available on the Adult & Children's Floors.
- Xerox scanning & printing 30¢ per page.
- Facsimile services $2 base rate, $1 per page after.
- InterLibrary Loan is available.
- E-readers available to borrow, preloaded with a wide variety of content & genres.
- CloudLibrary membership is open, offering free e-books & audiobooks to borrow on your own device.
- Local, non-profit groups may reserve our Gathering Room, dates dependent on library programming.
- Free & discounted day passes to Maine Wildlife Park, Children's Museum & Theater of Maine, & Maine State Parks.
- Gently used books, puzzles and video media for sale in our Book Barn, open during library hours.
- Free movie nights, come enjoy screenings of new releases and old favorites.
- Monthly book group meetings, Maine Humanities Council summer session "Let's Talk About It" & "ReadME", and Summer Reading Programs.
- As of April 1, 2017, NPL now assesses late fees at the rate of 10¢ per item per day, 25¢ per dvd per day, and a $10.00 Non-Resident Fee . Please see a Staff member with any questions or concerns.
Thank you, Eco-Maine,
for educating & inspiring us to do better with our trash & recycling.
In an effort to improve our waste footprint, we are phasing out plastic cutlery.
If you have any silverware you are parting with,
please consider donating it to NPL. Thank you!